Always there when you need us.

Our promise to you

We will use our expert knowledge to assist you in every way possible

Our values, our legacy, your care

To provide excellent home care to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, gender or social standing. We aim to improve the quality of life of every single customer we care for.

Who we are

 First Choice is home care company with excellent standards, that provide care in the home for people from all walks of life, enabling them to stay in their own home and community.


We provide training for our staff, equipping them with all of the skills they need to provide care with confidence. 


We have specially trained staff to care for individuals with dementia

On Call  system

Our On call system ensures that we can be reached around the clock

We're there for you

We provide support for the families of those in need of care, regardless of the situation. Our staff tailors their care to the individual needs or concerns of our patients and their next of kin.

The team

We’d like to introduce ourselves in a bit more detail so that you feel as comfortable as possible. Get to know our team and have a look at our facilities. Please don’t hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions.

Our Philosophy

We place great importance on direct contact with patients, and that starts with how we train our staff. We never let theoretical concerns obscure the human at the heart of it all.

Our primary concern is your well-being.

Our services

Have a look at the services we offer

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